Thursday, September 13, 2012

You might think its lame that I keep writing blogs about being in the Corps of Cadets, but right now it’s the biggest, most important thing going on in my life. So I’m writing this blog to give you guys an idea of what we have to go through on a daily basis, specifically in terms of punishments.
Each TC (Training Company) has its own set of rules and privileges for the freshmen. I happen to be in TC 2-2, Foxtrot Company, and we have absolutely no privileges. For example, we don’t have backpack privilege, meaning we can’t carry our backpacks on our backs. We have to carry them in our left hand everywhere we go. We also don’t have right face privilege. This means that we quite literally are not allowed to turn to the right. We have to turn to the left 3 times or turn to the left once and then do an about face, which is just a 180˚ turn. Another rule is that we have to sign out on our door card every time we leave our room. The cadres have to know our whereabouts at all times. However, to sign out we have to use a grease pen instead of a dry erase marker. And the only way to clean the grease pen off is to clean it with Brasso, and this takes about 6 minutes to do. Another privilege we don’t have is pocket privilege. We can’t put anything in our pockets. So where do we put our things? We put them in our freakin socks. One of the most annoying rules however,  is that while we are on upper quad we have to walk on the right side at all times. This rule applies to all dorm buildings and outside on the sidewalk. So if we are in our rooms and have to go to the bathroom, we have to go along the right side through the entire hallway just to get there. There is also a demerit system. For every 10 demerits we receive we have to march for 1 hour on Saturday at 5 in the morning.
What sucks the most is that we don’t get to have any fun. As freshmen in the corps we’re not allowed to join any sports teams or clubs. Any time that we are not in class, we’re doing something with the corps. So basically, the corps owns our asses. At night while civilian students are having fun partying or just hanging out with friends, I’m stuck in my room doing homework, ironing shirts and pants, shining shoes, and polishing my belt. All of this is due to our 4 hours of mandatory study time. In the mornings, civilian students get to sleep in for however long they want. I on the other hand, can have my 1st class be at 1:25pm and I still have to wake up at 5:30 for morning formation. This is every day by the way.
And to top it all off, they won’t let us go to the Victoria Secret modeling show! I mean come on, where is the decency in that?


  1. That sounds horrible. I would be exhausted from getting no sleep and those rules are all such a hassle. I'm sure that after freshman year, it will get easier and the rules will be lifted. Also, the concert was not a modeling show so you didn't miss as much as you thought. It was only hosted by two models from V.S.

  2. Wow, That really is intense, well hopefully you will start getting more freedom as the years go on. but just so you know, we all really respect what you cadets go through. and yeah, there were only two models and they just danced around for a song.

  3. I honestly don't know how you can deal with all of that. I have been curious as to why some cadets can't wear their backpacks, so now that's all clear. If I was forced to wake up that early every morning I would never be in a good mood. I always thought it was bad waking up for my 8am... I couldn't imagine waking up at 5:30 no matter what time my classes started.
