Monday, November 26, 2012

I can’t believe that this is the very last blog I’ll have to write for the year. The first semester of my college career has gone by so fast it’s incredible. We’re down to just two weeks of class, final exams, and we’re done. I feel like high school went by so much slower than college. Its probably because classes only meet two or three times a week instead of everyday, or the fact that we have so much work and we are constantly doing something so we don’t have down time. Anyway, in just three more months I’ll finally go into Blue Phase in the Corps of Cadets and I’ll finally be considered an upperclassmen cadet. It’ll seem even faster because one of those months is winter break.
Speaking of break, I might as well talk about my Thanksgiving break just to have something to write about. My break was pretty normal. Like everyone, I saw a ton of family. Every day we went over to another family member’s house. I saw all of my cousins, uncles, and aunts. I’m Hispanic, so we have a really big family. We all got together one day to celebrate my mom’s birthday. Then we got together again for Thanksgiving dinner at my house. My dad had surgery on his hand so me and my sister did most of the cooking. I prepared the turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, and apple pie. I thought all of that alone was a lot of food, but along with what I made, everyone that came over brought a dish or two of their own. After our feast, we all just relaxed and watched movies and played games until two in the morning. Besides family, I also got to see a lot of my friends from high school. A bunch of us got together and had a movie night. We ate pizza, shared college stories, watched movies, and just chilled, like old times. I also got to play a lot of tennis with my best friend. Something that I missed the most was playing my piano. I’ve been playing for the past 12 years, so after these last few months in college, I’ve been on piano withdrawal. I annoyed the crap out of my sister with how much I played when I got home. I also went to see Rise of the Guardians, which was an awesome movie. I don’t care what anyone says, Dreamworks makes the best animated movies and I will never be too old for them. The funniest part of my break was when I first got home. My friend Lindsey gave me a ride home, and as she pulled into my driveway my dog ran outside. I was so excited to see him. We both got out of the car and the first thing my dog does is run right by me, run around the car, and starts jumping on Lindsey. He didn’t even notice me! Im thinking “missed you too, pal”. But once he said hello to her, he noticed me and ran over.  He’s known me for a while so he probably gets more excited to meet new people!


  1. I'm glad you had a good break! It's very exciting that you will be considered an upperclassman soon. Congratulations. That's funny about your dog.

  2. I'm so glad these blogs are over. I'm also glad that your break was fun! I'm sure you were happy to not have to wear a uniform every day and that you got to wake up at a decent hour of the morning. I'm sure it'll be a lot nicer once you're considered an upperclassman in the corps!
