Thursday, October 4, 2012

So I was sitting at my computer desk for about 15 minutes trying to decide on what to write my blog about. I was not allowed to watch the presidential debate like we were advised to, so I couldn’t really think of a topic. Then it hit me. Why am I not allowed to watch the presidential debate? Because the Corps won’t let me. There are so many things the Corps will not let us do, things that I used to do on a daily basis. For instance, freshmen aren’t allowed to have TV’s in their room. I miss watching TV so much! I miss watching all my favorite shows like The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Two and a Half Men, and so many others. Don’t get me wrong; watching TV wasn’t all I did in my spare time, I wasn’t a couch potato, but I did enjoy watching my shows after a long day. Along with TV, were not allowed to watch movies or videos in our dorm rooms or anywhere on upper quad. This includes Hulu, Netflix, and sadly YouTube. Another thing I miss is music. Music was a huge part of my life. I listened to music every day. I listened to it while eating, doing homework, even to fall asleep. However, freshmen are not allowed to listen to music in their rooms. And what makes me really mad is that sometimes the upperclassmen play they’re music super loud so that we can hear it all the way down the hallway, and most of the time its bad music.  What I miss the most, however, is playing the piano. I’ve been playing piano for the past 12, almost 13 years. Now I’m on piano withdrawal. That was the one thing I did each and every day at home. Piano was just my way of relieving stress, expressing my emotions, and just escaping the world. I could seriously sit and play at my piano for hours on end and not even realize what I was playing. That’s how much my mind got into it, after so many years it just became second nature. But what really sucks is that we’re not allowed to really have any fun. I would love to go out on weekends and just hang out with friends, go see a movie, go play some games at the BreakZone in Squires. But they don’t give us time to do that stuff. Sometimes I wish I could have a normal college career and be able to go to parties, tailgates, and stuff. It’s hard to socialize and make friends with civilians when we’re never allowed to go out. That’s kind of the reason why we are so close with our buds in our Training Company, we’re basically all each other have. That’s why cadets are always seen walking in groups, we’re closer than friends or even brothers, we’re buds.


  1. I find it strange that you all are not allowed to watch the debate. You all have the right to vote too so why can't you have the right to keep updated with politics. Wow, I didn't know you couldn't listen to music either. I play an instrument too. I don't know what I would do without music. It is literally like a drug to me. But I wish you luck man. It won't be long before you can get those things back.

  2. Yeah I also find it strange that you couldn't watch the debate especially because the election is coming up soon. It must be tough not listening to music. I always listen to music like when I do homework or when I work out.
